the MTC) Hermanas Stock, Scalise, Borges, Handley, D`Angelo, Challco, Jimenez, Samaneigo, Guzmán, and Quintero. The Lord calls Hermana Randall to depart out of the land of Utah, to preach unto the people concerning the gospel. She taketh two days’ journey in airplane into the wilderness. The account of her joys and sufferings. She teaches families in the desert wilderness of the Atacama. Her joys and triumphs in the wilderness. The course of her travels. She serves alonside the large waters. Hermana Randall`s brethren work with (and sometimes) against her. She confoundeth them, and baptizes many. They call the name of the place Chile Antofagasta. She crossth the desert into various sectors of the promised land, and so forth. This is according to the account of Hermana Randall; or in other words, I, Hermana Randall, write this record.
Chapter One -- MTC Santiago, Chile -- Hermana Stock
I began learning all that there was to learn about missionary work. I
also began to learn about Spanish. This was the beginning to my mission.
I loved the MTC and my wonderful teachers and companion. We learned
abundantly and set the stage for the many miracles that would follow in
our missions. I remember one day, we were working the the Spanish
Computer lab practicing Spanish, and I asked a teacher a question about
irregular verbs in Spanish. His answer was just SO COMPLICATED that I
began crying, and everyone looked at me funny, and tried to make me feel
better. But it just made it worse. But now I look back and smile.
Because I can see the fear and the nerves I had. And now I speak
Spanish! Take that!
Chapter Two -- Arica, Zapahuira ¨B¨ -- Hermana Scalise
I was with my Mamita! I recieved the amazing blessing of having Hermana
Scalise as my trainer. She was light personafied. I learned so much
from her. I loved every moment of our time together. I might not have
been able to communicate with her all that much at first but I knew that
she loved me. And I love her. Here I had my first 3 baptisms. Kathy,
Maria, and Jaccelyn. I learned how to recite the First Vision and felt
the first real whisperings of the Spirit for an investigatos and their
needs. I grew to love so many people here. I feel sad that I couldnt
really communicate with a ton of people here, but I know that they are
forever friends anyways!
Chapter Three -- El Salvador -- Hermana Borges/Hermana Handley/Hermana D`Angelo
Salvador, this is where I passed 6 months of my mission. I began here
rather roughly. But like a stone in the river, I had a couple of my hard
edges knocked off in the process. Here I had my favorite companion, and
forever friend Hermana Eliza Handley (shout out). We were together for
two transfers. I loved those two transfers so much. We passed the
holiday season together, sharing Thanksgiving and Christmas between
¨Gringas¨. And ended everything with some of the best baptisms that I
have had in my mission. Mauricio and José. It was an honor to teach
these men, and see them and their wives grow in the gospel. They are
both now preparing to go to the temple in January or Febuary to be
sealed for time and all eternity in the holy temple of the Lord. I
loved El Salvador. The people here really became my family. I was about
ready to set down roots here. But the time passed and I was once more
called to move.
Chapter Four -- Tocopilla, Tocopilla ¨C¨ -- Hermana Challco
was a beautiful transfer. Maybe not for many reasons that I could
mention. But it was a really hard time for me in my mission. I was
struggling with my moral, and my whole body just seemed to give up a
little bit. I got sick, and more than a sickness of body, I started
feeling really badly in spirit. It was a time where I almost turned
back. I heard Satan`s whisperings, and they told me that I had served a
good mission, and that it was time to come home. It is a beautiful
transfer, because here I grew to know my Savior. Here I learned to work
even harder. I remember the first day that I was feeling better, I began
reading my Book of Mormon, and I had been neglecting personal study
(which is a no no for a missionary), so I opened up to the Book of
Mosiah chapter 2 where I had left off and found myself reading these
¨30 For
even at this time, my whole frame doth tremble exceedingly while
attempting to speak unto you; but the Lord God doth support me, and hath
suffered me that I should speak unto you, and hath commanded me that I
should declare unto you this day, that my son Mosiah is a king and a
ruler over you.¨
remember crying and falling to my knees knowing that I was sick, I
couldnt go out and proselyte, but that I would do it anyways, and God
would give my the strength to do so. I loved Tocopilla. I met many
wonderful people there, and was able to teach and baptize Norma
Rodriguez, a beautiful single mother from Bolivia. This was a sector of
great personal growth and miracles.
Chapter Five -- Antofagasta, Cerro Moreno ¨A¨ -- Hermana Jimenez/Hermana Samaniego/Hermana Guzmán
was my favorite sector by far. I love Antofagasta. This ward became my
ward and my family. Here I literally left family behind. Here is where I
truly felt that I knew these people before this world began and was
called here to find them. I know that I found who I was meant to find.
And they will be my forever friends. Not just investigators, but
members. I found myself a member of a family I didnt know I had. Here I
was called to be an Hermana Leader, and was given the charge of three
sisters. I was able to not only get to know my own companion, but to
help and support two more. It was an amazing privledge to learn from
them. I was also blessed to be called to train here. I was assigned a
beautiful new missionary named Hermana Guzmán, who runs in the tops of
companions. I loved every minute with her. I was so blessed to help her
love the mission as I love it, to share the gospel at every moment in
all things. We had three baptisms together, Luzmaria, Anibal, and
Millaray. Three children that are very special to me and very close to
my heart. I love them very much. This sector was so hard to leave
behind. I left behind my family for a second time here. Leaving them
felt like I did when I left my family in Utah. I LOVED this sector.
Chapter Six -- Vallenar, Torreblanca ¨B¨ -- Hermana Quintero
I arrived with only 6 weeks left in my mission. Here I arrived with all
motivation to work harder than ever and accomplish all that God had
sent me here to do. Here I had to crack down on some laziness and basic
rule-breaking. Here I passed through many things, but here I have found
some of my greatest joys. This last week we were witnesses to many
miracles. We ended the week with 3 baptisms! And an Open Chapel. It was
the BEST Saturday
ever. I was very grateful for many things on Thanksgiving. I love these
special people who entered into the waters of baptisms this week.
Magdalena, Marcela, and Jean. It was a privledge to be here and be a
part of their eternal journey. The story of Vallenar is still
progressing for one more week, and I know that there are many more
miracles in store. But I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father that I am
here to end my mission.
And now I bid unto all, farewell. I soon go to rest in the paradise of Granstville, Utah, and I am brought forth triumphant through the air, to meet you before the pleasing bar of the Salt Lake City Airport, Amen.

Signing off for the last time,
Hermana Randall