We has a Zone Meeting on Tuesday, where among other less interesting things, we discussed how we can set daily and weekly goals with faith. And Hna D´Angelo and I really thought long and hard about that. And we both realized that lately we had been setting goals according to what WE thought WE could accomplish.... And that is not what missionary work is. So now we are trying harder, praying more specifically, and LISTENING HARDER. The goals that we have set this week have seemed almost unrealistic at times, but we both felt that they were correct. And you know what? Not only did we meet the goals. Once or twice we passed them. I have seen so many small miracles this week. I realized that I hard started to depend on my own strength here. Not a ton. But more than I should have been. I had a good wake up this week. And putting the faith to work has really only increased the faith that I have. I really have a testimony of goal setting. Of seeing what we can do as missionaries. Seeing that number. And then saying a prayer and asking God what he KNOWS we will accomplish today. Following what we can do we will teach one lesson with a member a day maybe. Maybe two other lessons. Maybe one new investigator. Very average. This week we were blessed to have 3 lessons with a member, 9 others, and 5 new investigators. For El Salvador, this is a week of miracles.

We were also able to see our convert José pass the Sacrament for the first time, and give a talk in Sacrament meeting about prayer.
This is basically what happened this week. Ending on a story though. We had a lesson yesterday with a family of investigators. Ingrid y Claudio. They are very Catholic. Even though ALL OF THEIR EXTENDED FAMILY ARE MEMBERS. When I say all, I literally mean all. And they are just okay living their lives the way that they are. they are happy and content and don't want to change. Missionaries have been sharing with them for the better part of forever. But yesterday something may have changed.
We were at a loss of what to teach them, until we started thinking about the upcoming conference. And then thinking about the conference that we just had in October. At this time I invite you all to watch the talk, or read it, ¨What Lack I Yet?¨ From Elder Lawrence of the 70. We shared this talk. And we discussed how we can all continue to progress. After sharing stories and experiences, we challenged all of them to pray and ask for one thing that they can work on. And Ingrid said, ¨I will ask. I do not like to ask. That is why I recite my prayers. That is why I haven't asked about your church. Because I am afraid someone will answer.¨ She knows. She knows. SHE KNOWS. So we are working with them at the moment as well (shout out to Hermana Eliza Handley!)
We also hiked on of the larger hills here in El Salvador this morning and got some really cool pictures.
But that really was the week. So challenge for all of your. Read the talk. Talk to your Heavenly Father and look for one thing that you can improve. You will receive specific answers to specific questions. I love you all, and I hope to see you all constantly improving.
Love you,
Hermana Randall
PS. Transfers are next Monday. And its almost a sure thing that I'm headed somewhere else. I've been here for a long time. So I may not write next Monday. But instead on Tuesday or something. We´ll see! Wish me luck!